

Monday, March 29, 2010

Just the Facts Friday: Monday Edition

Fact 1:
Josh's week of leave has turned into more of a Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday of leave. I find this happens when we don't actually get away from the local area.
Today was something about needing another flight this month...blahblahblah...currency something...blahblahblah...be gone all day...blah.
Friday he is flying in a fini-flight for a friend.
Don't know what a fini-flight is? Well I will be sure to take photographs and enlighten you on Friday.

It is my goal that you leave this blog more educated.

Or confused.

Or possibly repulsed.

But definitely one of those three.

Fact 2:
We are pretty sure that we are going to be placed in the language class that begins at the end of September! There were pros and cons to each class, but I think there were more pros with the September one, so that is good news.
One positive is that we have that much longer to try to sell the house.

Didn't know that we were selling our house?
I can see how you might be confused.
I was too.
You know, since no one is calling about it or coming to see it.

But don't mind me. I'll just keep on cleaning it in case someone does decide that they would like to look around. Piece of cake. I'm a regular June Cleaver.

Fact 3:
I wore one of my new bras to church yesterday.
I am happy with my purchase. I felt quite...perky.
However, one of the ushers was looking at my chest in a rather un-usherly manner.
In keeping with the Biblical line of correction I offered immediate reproof and requested that he consult God for forgiveness of this terrible transgression.

He refused.

Something about having bought the rights to that on our wedding day.

Fact 4:
That same usher pointed out that I haven't had very many pictures of our kids on this here blog recently.
I am aware of that fact, but the truth is that we just haven't had very many photo-worthy events going on recently.
And so for those of you grandparent-types who are in withdrawal from your dose of Vitamins A and D, I present the following video snippets.

That must have been one heck of a booger:

Derek's new boots and my not-so-clean house:

Hey, Hey We're the Monkeys (singing the Mickey Mouse Hot Dog Song) (( Kind of )):


Grandma said...

Because I am so advanced in the use of technology, (despite what some writer's of this blog may say), I am very glad you are including video. I can download it to my computer, then upload it to my ipod. HA!!!

I'm Erin. said...

Alright PtB, I am impressed.
Though I have no idea why you would want those videos on your iPod when you can just see them online.

Oh wait, I forgot. You're obsessed with those creatures.

Anonymous said...

Dear Grandma, AKA, PTB,
I am so super impressed that you can download a video and then put it on your IPOD.
I could never, ever, ever figure that out.
In fact, since we got our new laptop, in November, I have not been able to get ITunes on it again.
I am a goober.

Christina said...

First, I think that you should thank your lucky stars that that wad of tissue didn't end up in your toilet. :)
Second, I thought you would enjoy knowing that our vacuum lives in our dining room. I am not kidding about that, nor do I like it, but since you are talking facts here, there it is.
Third, I bet bedtime was a breeze after all that!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fruitcake!??!?!?!?!?!
WhatEVER. :)

Beth Lewis said...

Hi Erin, I am Amy Rogers' sister, Beth.

Wanted to let you know how much I love your blog. A bit much, probably. I have talked about it to friends and co-workers, and my husband is getting tired of me telling your stories like I have claim to them.

I hope that's not too stalker-ish for you. :)

Your kids are adorable, and I love your sense of humor. Keep up the great blogging!

Karen said...

At first I couldn't figure out why the Lumberjack's wife referred to fruitcake in the comments--had to go back and read your post. But then I read her post and comments. You two crack me up!

The Passionate Housewife said...

Naughty Usher! lol.

Cannot believe that giant wad of TP didn't end up in your toilet, or did it??

I think he most definitely got the job done efficiently!!

thanks for the laughs as usual!