

Friday, June 10, 2011

Picture Fix

Josh is requesting a picture fix of his babies.
I am happy to oblige, because they are my favorite things of which to take pictures.

I like this one because you can't hear Alex correcting her brother for whatever he is doing that is incorrect.

And I assure you that according to her, he cannot exhale without doing it incorrectly.

I suppose it is because Alex is full of herself after completing her last day of kindergarten.
She is so accomplished.

 Here she is this morning, ready for her final day.

There was a little ceremony in her classroom the other day to mark their promotion to first grade.

They sang several songs of which my daughter refused to do any of the motions.
But they let her graduate anyway.
Where have the standards gone?

This boy:
 Is handsome.

And has come a long way, wouldn't you say?

Poor big-headed chubby baby with no neck.

Will that do, Daddy?


Taylor said...

Your kids are cute, with or without necks. :)

When is Josh returning?

Heather and Scott said...

Love them!!!