This boy is a water baby!
He jumps in with reckless abandon, and loves to go under the water.
He's a far cry from his sister who didn't start going under the water until after she had
not excelled at failed her swim lessons.
Look at these two handsome men. They melt my heart, the stinkers.
Okay, I admit it. I included the next picture for one reason. And it wasn't that my boy looks cute getting ready to jump in the water.
It was for the eye candy standing behind him.
Is that guy cute or what? I hope that when Josh is his age, he isn't afraid to hike up his trunks and show off his tan lines at the pool.
But my husband is probably too mature for such juvenile fun.
This is a picture of the what he was doing when the lifeguard told him he was breaking the rules. By the way, that wall is more difficult than it looks!
Let's just say the boys were definitely enjoying themselves at Grandma's awesome community pool.
So were Corie & Kennedy.
As for me, I was too lazy to try the rock wall. I mastered this instead:
I'm nothing if not a risk taker.
The wedding was beautiful and all the detailed planning paid off.
The location couldn't have been more perfect. Right on the water, steps leading up to a beautiful old building, and a gorgeous garden.
If only I had gotten a decent picture. Just tilt your head to the right and you'll get an idea. The little ones did a great job with their important duties. Alex threw flowers like an old pro, and both kids did well during the ceremony.
Well, kind of.
Luke did really well. There were a couple of instances in which Alex was a bit, um, distracting.
This picture is titled "I'm going to get you, ants!" because that's what she was saying over and over as she bludgeoned said creatures to death with her lacy white basket.
During the vows.
Then there was the time when she stood and started hiking up her dress, muttering something about her panties being bunched. Thankfully a helpful bridesmaid put a stop to it before her princess panties peeked out at the crowd.
Of course, a post is not a post without a picture of the handsome little devil.
Can you believe that? I'm 30 and I've never had a manicure. My first pedicure didn't come until my mid-20's. And no, I did not have my nails done for my own wedding.
Oh, but she got into it. Look at that face as she enjoys the vibrating chair.
And the polka dot toes take the cake. She loved it.
Do you know where we found ourselves on wedding day?
Yup, the hair salon. Yet another place I did not visit on my wedding day.
She told me to call her Cinderella as we were leaving the salon.
Here are all the beautiful ladies. Weddings are a lot of work!
Thanks mom!
And here are the three amigos on the popsicle step at my mom's place, which is where we stayed the second week of our trip.
Not pictured is my nephew Connor, who spent no less than 7 hours doing this: