

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Co-ed Frigid Soccer

Sick of the soccer stuff yet?
Yeah, me too. But here we go again.

Alex had practice this evening. Temperature of 50 degrees with gusting winds.
Fall, come back!

Wait. That would mean that fall had indeed been here, and I can assure you that is not true. Two days ago it was 90 degrees.

Fall, come quickly! Before winter takes over!

Derek and I braved the sidelines for a couple of cold minutes.

Then I realized that I was the only parent out there; all of the smart soccer moms were in their cars.
So Derek and I snuck back in the van.

Waiting in the car + camera =


Funny how I only got one shot of Alex.

Care to see it?

She's the one on the farthest post, distracting the other hard working children.

Guess she knew I was too far away to yell.
Little Stinker.


Rachel said...

That picture of you guys in the mirror is so stinking adorable, I can't believe it! Derek is huge!!!

Sunk Costs said...

Ahahaha. That girl is too much.

And that first picture of your baby is like something out of a j.crew for babies catalog.

mikeandmelissafisher said...

Hello friend! How's my (almost) favorite squadron doing? :) I'd like you to know that I've been out of commission for a month in the process of moving and haven't checked any blogs for about that long. But whose do I visit first? Yours, of course! Always ready for some good humor and cute pics. Hope all is well, thanks for the laughs...