Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I got my hairs cut.
The Big Top
Here is a picture of what the circus tent looked like. I think it had seen better days.
We thought she looked familiar and the realized that she was the one running the bouncy house before the show started. Her juggling husband took our tickets at the door. Are you sensing a theme here? I must say these are probably the hardest-working circus performers I've ever seen.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I have two nemeses:
Thankfully one has been conquered, but the weeds still grow.
Let me tell you with all seriousness that my daughter literally took a YEAR to potty train. And YEARS off my life. Finally, finally we are at a point where she can actually do the unthinkable--stop what she's doing and say "I have to go potty." Then she will go into the bathroom, do her business, wash her hands and come back out. Without me! It's a miracle :)
There have been many days/weeks this past year when I thought we had it down...I'm ashamed to say that I even dared to offer advice to other mommies training their kids! (head hung in shame) Sorry! Apparently when I dismissed all the writings that say "Don't potty train during times of transition" I was making a mistake. A BIG mistake. My advice to other moms now is 1) don't ask me for advice unless you want to train your kid for a year and 2) if you aren't going to listen to #1, then whatever you do, don't train your kid while living in temporary lodging, about to move into a new house, moving them to a toddler bed, and 2 weeks later pushing out a sibling. Things may start off well, but they go downhill quickly!
Whew, rant over. Really, I'm just happy that it's in the past.
Now on to nemesis number 2: The weed-whacker, now known as That Thing.
Josh, I think I needed a more in-depth tutorial on this before you left. Now in my dear husband's defense, I must let my blog reader(s?) know that Josh has told me time and again that I can just hire someone to do our lawn. But for some reason I'm resistant to this (read: cheap). So a few days ago instead of just mowing I decided to pull out all the stops and put That Thing to work. Well, it didn't. I pulled the string out too far and then couldn't get it back in. So I'm leaning way over in an effort to whack the weeds and not me. I'm mostly just tearing up the grass and whacking the concrete at first. Then I apparently got too close and That Thing attacked my ankle! This hurt. Badly. Then it started smoking and smelling badly. That's when I quit and decided that I hate weed eating and don't care if the weeds grow all summer long.
And if you made it all the way through my complaining post, I will reward you with these pictures of my super-cute kiddos.
Monday, July 14, 2008
My kids are weird.
1) My daughter likes to make requests by contorting her body into images of what she wants. "I want cheese. Tiny cheese that looks like this." Then she lays down on the ground with her arms at her sides in what I can only assume is what she feels "tiny cheese" would look like if it were a 3-year-old girl who rarely wears pants. Or, "I want something white and long like this." At this point she wraps her arms around herself giving the opposite of the long look she mentioned. In this case, I know that she is asking for dental floss. Which brings me to point 2) it normal for kids to want dental floss? She asks daily and then proceeds to lick the string for the mint flavor.
(By the way, tiny cheese refers to shredded cheese and she actually could just ask me for the dental floss instead of impersonating it but chooses not to.) Let me not forget to mention that Alex has 3) an Irrational Fear of Men. This is another post in and of itself.
So as not to pick only on Alex, let's talk about the little man. Derek will not eat any food with any texture other than puree. What the heck is this kid going to have on his birthday in a month? I see visions of a candle standing in a Gerber jar of Mango dessert. No soft chunk of banana, pear, avocado, ANYTHING has passed willingly through his lips. But of course he is willing to choke down on Spiney Fish's fin and suck any piece of paper until it dissolves in his mouth.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Deployment Days
Trying to get Alex to talk to the camera and actually say something that makes sense is like working with a monkey. Sorry Josh, I know you wanted to see some clips but this is all I could get out of her today...
(My friend Nicole sent Alex that outfit when she was a new baby...I can't believe she's old enough to wear it now!)
Proof! Josh contends that Derek is still bald because his hair is so light that on the webcam you can't see it. So I got a shot with it wet to prove that he does indeed have some hair.
Here are his long locks blowing in the wind :)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Home Again
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Bloggy Face-lift
Moving on, let me introduce you to Spiney Fish. Daddy brought this sqeaky toy back from Florida when he was TDY a while back & Derek loves to chew on him. If you look carefully, on the left side of the picture there is a fin on Spiney's side that is missing from the other side.
Can you guess where I found the other fin?
Yup, in the middle of some pooh. You may wonder what I was doing checking out the middle of Derek's turd, but sadly old habits die hard and I still occasionally check for blood. No blood, just fin. These are the things that you don't read in "What to Expect When You're Expecting."
And I'll leave off with this clip of Alex "helping" her brother. All I can say is poor Derek these days! I have to watch her carefully, she is getting so rough with him. Today I actually had to stop her from trying to "ride Derry." She was seriously trying to climb on the poor baby's back!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
We hung out at the river one day... This picture doesn't really show how pretty it is there, I'll try to find another to show you. The road to get there includes 10 miles on a scenic, but very curvy dirt road where you have to be careful not to hit the cows that are all around.
Another update on Kennedy-- She had a very bad night; we think a reaction to the anesthesia. The only sleep she got was 4 hours, and for that she had to be sedated. She has been crying non-stop, has been very combative, and not at all herself. The last I spoke with my sister, they were planning on giving her another sedative so she can rest. The good news is that they were able to remove the drain from her wound already so hopefully if they can get her to calm down and stay that way she may be able to get home sooner. I pray that's the case!
Monday, July 7, 2008
More News

Please pray for the Shea family-- My sister Corie, her husband Kent, Connor, and especially for little Kennedy.
Thank you.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I'm posting to ask for your prayers for my sweet niece, Kennedy. She is sick and was admitted to the hospital last night. She's had high fevers, been super sleepy, and then developed a hugely swollen gland in her neck. The doctors haven't been able to come up with a diagnosis yet (they think maybe mumps?? Yes, she's been immunized). But after a miserable night in the hospital, my sister is ready to get this figured out and get home for some rest. So if you think of it, please just say a prayer that the doctors will work this out quickly and they can get home soon!
Thanks :)
Here is picture of Kennedy (2 years old) with her big brother Connor (who will turn 7 tomorrow!)