

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 33

The kids and I made it back from our little getaway this past weekend.

And look what happened while we were away!
We marked one month off this deployment.
1 down, 5.5-6ish to go.

Miss you bunches, my love.

So Derek's preschool had been canceled on Thursday because his classroom was in the shop.

Yes, yes. Go ahead and laugh.

I guess the wheels on the bus don't always go round and round, eh?

I took that as a sign that I should go ahead with my plan to drive up to the DC area a little early. We left Thursday morning and made good time; it's about a 4-4.5 hour drive.

I had reserved a room on Andrews Air Force Base in the VOQs (visiting officers quarters).

My dad was in the Air Force, and we lived in base housing on Andrews for 15 years. After we arrived and had lunch, I drove the kids around a bit and showed them where I used to live and play.

Alex asked in her best bored voice, "Mommy why do you keep telling us about what you used to do?"

Well pardon moi, I thought she might care to know.

I thought wrong.

Once it was check-in time, we headed over to the hotel. I checked in and then took the kids back to the parking lot to grab our belongings.

Shockingly, they were no help.

I had a suitcase, a backpack, a laptop case, toiletry bag, purse, and the ever-important flat-iron on my person as we walked back across the bigger-every-minute parking lot and inside the building.

That's when things got ugly. Let me take you back in time with me...

I made two wrong turns looking for the elevator.
Bags were beginning to hurt my shoulders.
Got up to the third floor, turned left, and traveled what felt like a mile to Room 8348.
Shoulders were definitely cramping at that point.
Have you seen what kids do when they get into a hotel hallway?
Pulled out the room key.
It was for Room 8748, which would have required a right turn at the elevator.
Deep sigh.
Herded the children and stuff back through the maze, past the elevator, and finally arrive at Room 8748.
Might possibly have required a double arm amputation if I didn't drop the bags soon.
Pulled out room key.


Took children and belongings back to check in desk on first floor.
There was a line. 

A slow moving line. 

Finally got a new key and repeated the trip up the elevator, over the river, and through the woods. 
Arrived at Room 8748.
Hallelujah, the door opened. 

Entered room.
Something was amiss.
There was only one bed in the room. 

That seemed strange, because I distinctly remembered making the reservation for 1 adult and 2 children. 
And I'm not on board with the family bed. 

Picked up phone and called the desk.
Apparently the VOQs are all only one bed units. 

Which would have been helpful to know when I made the reservation. 

By that time we were running late to meet a friend of mine at my old school, so we just freshened up a little and left. Then I was able to have a late dinner with another friend before finally making it back to the room around 9pm. 

My kids + road trip + candy on road trip + no nap/quiet time + up late= Monstrosities.

I got to sleep with my girl while Derek used his PeaPod tent that I thankfully had packed for the rest of the trip. 

The peapod is convenient, yet loud.
Every time he moved it sounded like he was jogging in cheap windpants. 
And he moved ALL NIGHT LONG.
In other words, it wasn't a great night's sleep for yours truly.

In the morning we got up, got cleaned up, packed up, and headed down to check out. Thankfully that went better than check-in.

Note to Josh Schore: Thank you for all the schlepping you do on our hotel trips. I never realized exactly how much it stinks until I have to do it all by myself.

It was a little rainy, but I decided to go ahead with the plan to visit the Mall before heading over to my friend Melissa's house where our mini-reunion was taking place.

We visited the Natural History Museum, the American History Museum, and the sculpture garden.

Naturally, the highlight for the kids was the Metro and the escalators.

Waiting for our train-
(Poor Derek had to wear a size 24 month raincoat. See? He is still my baby!)

Alex on the Metro.  Beware the sleeve-eating monster on the orange line.

Derek & Alex at the kids' area of the National Museum of American History.

Outside of the Star Spangled Banner exhibit-

It was just dripping so we went to the middle of the Mall for a shot of both the Washington Monument...

...and the Capitol building.

Sculpture garden-

Six in the City-

To be continued...


Corie said...

Did you show them the "kid crusher" just incase they were naughty on the trip? :)

Anonymous said...

IMO - DC would be tough with 2 little ones on your own......I think you did an awesome job!!

Pics are great, as usual!

Sorry, but I laughed at your experience the first night....been there, done that with 2 by myself. And, YES, it gives me/us an appreciation of how important our hubbies are while we are on trips. (my husband says he is my mule!)

Anna from nc

Christina said...

Love this post. Six in the city? You are hilarious. And bonus regarding the rainy day? No one else is in your photos!
I want to go back to DC with the kids...but that will be a while. :)

Joyce said...

Six in the city...you are hilarious : )

We refer to hubs as either a) the pack mule or b) cabana boy. He secretly likes it.

Yay for the countdown!

Beth Lewis said...

Laughed out loud several times! Great recap!

Rachel said...

Done the travel alone thing now. It sucks. I never realized how much Bryon carries. I will never take it for granted again. I will also probably not help now that I appreciate it, either. I will enjoy it when he's here.

I do think Derek might, might, might need a new coat, however :)

Taylor said...

I loved this post! Quite humorous! :)
Six in the city! Ha! It took me a second . . . but I got it!

Anonymous said...

I loved the sounds that came from the kid crusher, worked on you for a few years.