Take today for instance. Here he is messily eating some pretzels (yes, that is chewed up soggy pretzel dripping down his chin).
Innocent enough, until it turned into this-- upside down shaking of the pretzel box.
(FYI, I did not stand idly by as this happened. But by the time I realized what was going on it was too late, so I just grabbed my camera.)
But complaining about his mess-making skills is not the real reason for this post. The more astute reader(s) may have noted the fact that he is mess-making with pretzels. And pretzels are made from wheat. And wheat, before today, was on his no-no list.

Little Miss Thang it appears has been throwin' down at preschool-- taking toys from other kids, and even pitching a fit for having to give a toy back. Looks like she got more than just her daddy's looks! Did I ever mention that Josh got caught in kindergarten peeing out the bathroom window?? We may be in for some trouble...
What a little thug.