

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm a Big Boy Now!

Hey folks, it's me, Derek!

I'm a big boy now, so I can address my public on my own. I've taken a big step in my life and said to heck with breast milk, I'm moving on to cups and soy milk! (I'm saying this with some false bravado, because quite frankly it wasn't my idea. I'm a little miffed still, but it's been a week or so and I'm getting over it.)

Although these pictures don't show it, my mom was actually kind of sad to wean me. Something about me being her last baby or something. Whatever, to me it looks like she was just really excited to have some cheese. Come on, mom, I was worth a year of no milk, cheese, ice cream, and nuts, right??

(Mom says to please excuse the robe, we were just trying to capture the moment.)

(Mom also says please ignore the open door to the exceedingly messy pantry. She said to tell you that it's not usually that messy, but I can't do that because I don't lie. Sorry ma, keepin' it real.)

Well I just thought you should know about how grown-up I am. Now I'm off to go do the usual-- take my sister's toys, cry if she sits on my mom's lap, refuse to eat anything but chicken nuggets and grapes, and just be a general drooling nuisance. Peace.


Annie Pennington said...

Congratulations Derek on your big step toward adulthood! I'm really excited that your mom gets to enjoy dairy again! I bet she's been living it up in a cheese & ice cream HEAVEN!!!! I really enjoyed your blogging gig and hope to hear more from you! You are one cool dude.

Rachel said...

Wow! Derek is suddenly looking smaller instead of bigger. Older, yes, but thinner. He's looking like a big kid all of the sudden! Enjoy your cheese fix!

Heather and Scott said...

Good job Derek!! And how does your mom look so good in a robe?

Jen McD said...

Big Boy!!!

Erin, the ice cream machine is ready whenever you want it!! I even have lots of toppings!!