

Monday, October 8, 2012

aaaaAAHHH Freak Out.

Okay Everyone.
It's time to calm down.

Deep cleansing breaths. In. Out.

There now.

There is no reason for you all to get so worked up over the fact that I'm moving in two months. I appreciate your concern, and the fact that you feel the need to make multitudes of lists in your heads, but never write them down on paper because then you might have to start doing something.

Okay wait.
I think I'm confused.

That would be me.

Two months? For realz? That's like, no time.

We finally got our orders, so the process has officially begun. (For you non-military folks, that just means that the papers that make our assignment official have arrived.)

Josh has already set up our three different moving shipments for the first week in December. We need to divide our belongings into three shipments--
1) Storage-- everything that is not coming to Spain with us. Think useless electronics (voltage differences), lawn equipment (apartment living bonus), furniture that might not fit into smaller bedrooms, etc.

2) Unaccompanied Baggage-- A small shipment of things that in theory arrive faster than your main shipment.
Think things that we might want if we move into an apartment before our main goods arrive. Shower curtain, towels, bedding, pots & pans, etc.

3) Main Shipment-- Furniture and Everything Else.

So now all we have to do is pretend we have some small idea of what our place in Spain will look like, and decide which furniture should go or stay, and what things we need the fastest vs what we can live without for longer. And what things we don't need at all.
So, if one of you can just make those decisions for me, you can e-mail me the results and I'll go back to my couch and bon-bons.

Because I'm finding it a wee bit more complicated than I thought it would. For example. Should we bring our ski pants? After all, we might go skiing once or twice. But on the other hand, storage in an apartment is not plentiful, would we really use it? How about the kids' bikes? Do we bring them and make them part of our living room decor, or do we let them forget how to ride a bike?

In other news.
I've been waging a war in my kitchen.

Two words. One word. A hyphenated word.

I've been smacking the crap out of them left and right. The bodies are everywhere. I leave them there to serve as a witness to their siblings. I will win the battle.
The first step was throwing out the rotting sweet potatoes. 

They are pesky, and persistant, little buggars.

In other, other news. Oooh! Oooh! GuessWhatGuessWhatGuessWhat?

I'm going on a cruise.

Oh, the rest of my family is going too, but that's all secondary. *I* am going on a cruise.

We were looking for a vacation for after Josh's graduation in November, and it turns out that cruises the week after a major holiday are discounted. Because who can take a week off the week after Thanksgiving?
We can, yea!
And so we are.

Disney cruise, baby. Do you know that they have kids' clubs on Disney cruises? They do. If you so choose, you can forget you have children between the hours of 9am and 1am.
Not that we would do that, of course.


I mean, we might send them to the club to have a dinner on our own once or twice. Or to go to the adult pool. Or maybe to take a nap. Or go to the gym to make up for the copious amounts of desserts we will eat. Or to walk around Cabo San Lucas. Or to shower in silence. Or...

In other other other news.

Derek had soccer again on Saturday. He still isn't very good, but the important thing is that he doesn't know it.

The kids went to a birthday party this weekend. There was face painting.

Alex decided she wants to be a face painter when she grows up. As well as a ballet instructor, who also designs clothes for her own store.

Derek isn't sure what he wants to do tomorrow.

But that's okay, because he can stay with me forever.

And ever.

As long as he pays rent.


Joyce said...

The Alps are too nearby not to ski..bring one bin of pants, gloves, scarves, hats. I am not sure about Spain, but in England everything was twice the price.

We brought one bin of Christmas decor, not a lot but something we were glad to have when Christmas rolled around. It wasn't everything but it was a taste of home.

Good luck with the sorting-ugh.

Sandy said...

which shipment do the kids go in?

Proverbs 31 Wannabe said...

I'm excited for you about the Disney Cruise! We went on one back in May and it was amazing!! Think about the move another day Scarlett. It'll all come together.

Mindy said...

I have a solution for your fruit-flies!! Fill a cup 1/3 of the way with vinegar (any kind). Then squirt in some liquid dish soap. Fill it the rest of the way with water until the bubbles come up to the top of the cup. Set it on the counter and within a few hours, you will have little fruit flies stuck in the bubbles! Refill as needed until they are gone :)

Christina said...

I might have to comment backwards. (Not like I'm backwards, or I will write backwards...that would be either mean or way cooler than I am; I mean in reverse order.) You are super cute! I always thought you were, but...just wanted to let you know again. :)
That is some serious face painting! Very. Cool.
Cruise! Yay! Have so much fun!
Fruit flies? We have fought that battle here, my friend. I lost my sanity and gained some extra gray hairs, so that's not good news, but! They did finally go away, or stop being born (larvaed? created? reproduced?)...and we did that vinegar/dish liquid trick and it definitely damaged the fruit flies. I can't remember how it all went down for good. I think I've blocked most of that experience out of my memory. I'll pray for you! Two months. Whoa. I hope someone sends you a great list, and you can just enjoy the bon bons. :)

Taylor said...

What about a furnished apartment?
So exciting! Have fun on your cruise!

Anonymous said...

i always get a good laugh reading your blog...cause i can relate to so many things! i think my ty is a lot like your derrik...haha. that is exciting about spain...i know moving overseas can be so overwhelming though! do the lists...like not mental but on paper...they really help!! maybe we'll see you in madrid! we're only a 45min plane ride away...come on over to north africa! :) miss you! - crista s.

Krista said...

Excited for you, Erin! Hope the sorting goes well. For what it's worth, I'd say you have to sort your goods into 4 "piles", because you have to account for what you're bringing on the plane as luggage :-) I agree with Joyce that everything in England is expensive (but internet shopping is helpful), and we also brought a small bin of Christmas decor that we're looking forward to having for the season.