I seem to be lacking the motivation to continue my Disney recap, and since life is moving faster these days I think I'd better wrap it up so I can keep you posted on the more recent events. So let's call this one "Meeting the Mouse, Parts 3-5".
After the hospital stay and one blessed night of sleep, we headed off to Hollywood Studios for the day, breathing treatment machine in tow. Alex especially liked this park because of all the shows that were perfect for a little princess-- The Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, and the kids both liked the Playhouse Disney production. Mom & Mark's favorite was the American Idol Experience. I think they saw it 3 times ;)
I think Alex was sick of pictures at this point.
Outside of Toy Story Midway Mania-- a fun new ride.

After the kids were down for the night, Josh and I hit Epcot and rode some of the headliners there. It was so nice to be able to walk through the park without children strollers & bags.
The following day we all planned to head to Epcot, but they were having their Flower & Garden festival and with all of the pollen floating around we decided not to take our little walking allergy there. So we headed back to Animal Kingdom and had a chance to meet up with many of the characters.

My favorite boys!
Derek loved the Affection Section!

Again that night Josh and I went back out to Magic Kingdom and did all of the things that the kids were too small for or that was too scary for them. Thanks Mom & Mark for listening to them sleep! :)
Our last day we went back to Magic Kingdom and enjoyed a more relaxed pace as we hit whatever favorites Alex wanted to see again.
The spinning teacups of nausea.
Josh rode alone in his own elephant to take this picture.
What is this?? On our very last day, Derek learned to sleep in the stroller!
A post-snooze popsicle. Don't worry Derek, I'll hold it for you. Feel free to make no effort on your own.
Alex really enjoyed meeting Snow White. They even twirled together :)

The plane ride home went a little more smoothly than the trip out and Alex still hasn't stopped talking about all the things she did at Disney World. Derek thought the bus to the airport was the best ride of all.
And now I've realized that I didn't include any pictures with Mimi & Mark, so let me fix that.
Here they are wishing that they'd just kept driving...
And here's Mark getting the "It's a Small World" tour from Derek.

Are you all Disney-ed out now? Me too!
Coming up soon-- a trip the the sand dunes, playground fun, and one birthday girl!