Here is my sweet newborn baby boy. He was born an average 7lbs 5oz (or was is 7lbs 3 oz?? Gosh, they're not kidding when it comes to the second baby getting the raw end of the deal). He was about the size of his daddy's forearm.
But it was only a matter of weeks before the chins and rolls started to appear.
He got to looking quite...robust.
Alright, let's just call a spade a spade, my boy was fat. I mean look at that huge fat head on that huge fat body. Honestly, horizontal stripes? What was I thinking?
But then something happened-- Derek started moving. My little linebacker stopped gaining weight. Actually, he hasn't gained weight for at least 6 months. Which I think is quite appropriate considering his bulk; my back sure is thankful. And even though the doctor agrees that he's probably just getting down to where he is genetically supposed to be, we still have to go back 3 months sooner than usual to see how he's growing.
This is him now. At one year, he weighs just a few ounces shy of 21lbs.
I just have to shake my head at the whole turn of events. God likes to keep me on my toes ;)
Oh! Sounds like Derek and Taryn weigh about the same :) I hear you though - I've got both girls with their separate "issues"... Taryn for her weight and Kaci for her height! If it's not one thing, it's another!! But it's good to keep the pediatricians in business right? :)
Gosh he's so precious! Now that his teeth have come in and he's slimming up he looks SOOO different! He's not the chubby little drooler I knew back in Alabama!!! :) Kate's comment on all the photos was, " is alot cute!" And boy is she ever right! He is CUTE!!!!
Wow he sure did slim down! He's such a cutie...through all the fat stages :) Praying for your strength these last few weeks...
Wow, he looks so different but still as adorable as ever. He sure slimmed down since Alabama, I wish I could say the same for me! However I am only going to get bigger and bigger over the next several months, but it's a blessing for sure! I hope things are getting easier with the allergy problems.
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