As promised, I need to fill you all in on the fun we had in Texas! We went for a week to Wichita Falls to visit our good friends, Scott & Heather, and their girls Lauren & Katelyn. Here are the highlights of our visit, top-10 style...
10. Halloween Candy-- Lauren had quite a stash and didn't notice that it was rapidly dwindling as she slept ;)
9. Seeing old friends-- The trip had a kind-of "back home" feel to it since we'd lived in WF for 5 years. Here's a picture of what Alex looked like back when she was a Texan...
And can you believe the hospital let that guy take a baby home? He looks like he's ready to go to prom! ;)
8. Chuck-E-Cheese-- We have simple needs people. Someone just keep an eye on those kids so we "grown-ups" can take turns on Deal or No Deal (best game ever at Chuck's!)
Here's a clip of us on the way to play...make sure to laugh at Heather's crazy faces because she thought I was taking a picture and not a video clip. AND she posted a terrible picture of me on her blog so this is payback!
7. Shopping Trips minus children-- Heather and I went out shopping several nights after the kids were in bed. We conducted ourselves just like any junior high girl, and I think they were about to kick us out of Victoria's Secret.
6. The better side of polygamy-- Without the kinky stuff, folks. This is a clean blog, okay? But seriously, 2 mommies and 2 daddies makes everything easier!
5. The Great Wolf Lodge-- Have you heard of this water-park hotel? They have them throughout the country. So fun! Josh had so much fun there that he needed 4 stitches in his chin! We didn't get to take pictures there since we had our hands full with non-swimming kids, but here is a picture of the slide that Josh hurt himself on.
He listened to the 14-year-old lifeguard that told him he could "catch some air" if he raised his hands up on the steep drop. He was right.

4. Wildcatter Ranch-- Scott & Heather surprised us by kicking us out of their house for a night away at this ranch. It was amazing! It will get it's own post soon.
3. Our friends are the best!-- We really just have so much fun hanging out, watching movies, and chatting. And they have a beautiful home that we feel very comfortable taking over ;) They didn't even mind that Alex isn't into wearing pants and Derek is into seeing the sunrise, every day.
2. Let the courtship begin!-- We had to give Derek and Katelyn a chance to get to know each other better, since they're going to be married. Just don't tell anyone that they took baths together!
1. Did I mention that we had a lot of fun?? :)